The student union in Borås functions similarly to a trade union for students at the University of Borås. We monitor and participate in the development of educations and prerequisites for studies at the university. This mission makes us to a student union!!
Through the student union in Borås, you as a student have the opportunity to influence your education and study environment through so-called student influence.You can e.g. be a student representative and represent students in your programm or issues that concern all students at the university. See vacancies to learn more about assignments that are available to apply for.
Being a student is about more than just education. During your study time you also have an opportunity to meet new people and get involved. For many, university time is a very special and fun time in their life when you get the opportunity to spend time with people who share your interests and develop on many different levels. Together we run the student venue The Kårner where students can meet, socialize and gild their study time!
You can say ,that when you choose education, you choose what you want to become, but by getting involved, you choose who you become!
Maybe you are interested in work environment issues, passionate about environmental issues or are a real party person? At the student union in Borås
you can find something for everyone!
We work - all the time, every day - to give students at the University of Borås the best possible conditions to influence their study time.
— Studentkåren i Borås Volunteers —
The student union in Borås functions similarly to a trade union for students at the University of Borås. We monitor and participate in the development of educations and prerequisites for studies at the university. This mission makes us to a student union!!
Through the student union in Borås, you as a student have the opportunity to influence your education and study environment through so-called student influence.. Du kan t.ex. vara studentrepresentant och representera studenter vid din utbildning samt kring frågor som rör alla studenter vid högskolan. Se fliken ”Lediga uppdrag” to learn more about assignments that are available to apply for.
Being a student is about more than just education. During your study time you also have an opportunity to meet new people and get involved. For many, university time is a very special and fun time in their life when you get the opportunity to spend time with people who share your interests and develop on many different levels. Together we run the student venue The Kårner where students can meet, socialize and gild their study time!
Man kan säga att när du väljer utbildning väljer du vad du ska bli, men genom att engagera dig väljer du vem du blir!
Perhaps you are interested in work environment issues, are passionate about environmental issues or are a real party-goer? At the Student Union in Borås there is something for everyone!
We work - all the time, every day - to give students at the University of Borås the best possible conditions to influence their study time.
— Studentkåren i Borås Volunteers —
Ett bra ställe att börja sitt engagemang är vid någon av våra tre sections.. Sektionerna är uppdelade efter Högskolans tre akademier och alla studenter vid HB tillhör automatiskt någon av dessa tre då de är uppdelade efter utbildningsområde.
När du väljer utbildning väljer du vad du ska bli, men genom att engagera dig väljer du vem du blir!
— Studentkåren i Borås Volunteers —
När du väljer utbildning väljer du vad du ska bli, men genom att engagera dig väljer du vem du blir!
— Studentkåren i Borås Volunteers —