
Welcome to the kick-off in Borås



This page collects all the information you as a new student will need during the first weeks. Here you will find the schedule for the event that takes place during the kick-off and who we are who arrange it!

Welcome to the kick-off in Borås

The kick-off is for new students to get the best start at the University of Borås. The kick-off is organized by the Student Union in Borås on behalf of the University of Borås. 

During the kick-off, you will have the opportunity to get in touch with classmates, the University, the student union and its sections. You will also get to meet lots of sponsors and various associations. Read more further down the page who you meet during the kick-off!

Who do you meet during Kick-off?

During your induction, you will meet several different people and groups. Below you can read more specifically about who you will meet.


The student union in Borås functions similarly to a trade union for students at the University of Borås. We monitor and participate in the development of educations and prerequisites for studies at the university. This mission makes us to a student union!!

Through the student union in Borås, you as a student have the opportunity to influence your education and study environment through so-called student influence.You can e.g. be a student representative and represent students in your programm or issues that concern all students at the university. SeeVacancies to learn more about assignments that are available to apply for. 

Being a student is about more than just education. During your study time you also have an opportunity to meet new people and get involved. For many, university time is a very special and fun time in their life when you get the opportunity to spend time with people who share your interests and develop on many different levels. Together we run the student venue The Kårner where students can meet, socialize and gild their study time!

You can say ,that when you choose education, you choose what you want to become, but by getting involved, you choose who you become! vem du blir! 

Perhaps you are interested in work environment issues, are passionate about environmental issues or are a real party-goer? At the Student Union in Borås there is something for everyone!



The Student Union board often runs around during the Kick-Off. Why not grab them to get to know who works every day for you as a student? Or just to ask your questions?



The office consists of employees, the chairman and vice-chairman of the union board and paid students. All manage the day-to-day operations, whose task is to support the Student Union in Borås and maintain the agreements with the University of Borås.

Student buddy

During the Kick-Off in Borås, there are several students who stand up as student buddies to help during activities and to welcome all new students to Borås.

There are slightly different types of student buddies, but everyone strives to make the NYS's first time at the university as good as possible!

The Kårner

This is the Student Union in Borås event venue, where events of the Student Union and various associations take place during the year

The venue does not have an alcohol permit. What applies is your own drink  

the project group

For each kick-off, a project group works to plan one week for the spring and two weeks for the fall filled with activities for all new students. The Kick-Offs are designed by PRG so that the NYS (new students) get the best possible start at the university. You can reach them via the email below or look for someone with a green student buddy shirt!

You can reach them via introductionen@studentkareniboras.se 

Campus associations 

During the kick-off, campus associations often help, both as sponsors and by holding events, you recognize them by their overalls. Each association then has its own color on the top.

University of Borås

During your first time as a student, you will come into contact with the university through their introduction. Various sessions are arranged that you can take part in, where you can learn more about everything that studying at the university entails.

Not sure what an exam is? How do you actually find the course literature you need? And what is the difference between a seminar and an examining seminar? Keep an eye on the university's website to keep track of all aspects of the introduction!

common questions

Here you can get answers to questions that often come up for you as a new student.

What is The Kårner

The Kårner

This is the Student Union in Borås event venue, where events of the Student Union and various associations take place during the year

The venue does not have an alcohol permit. What applies is your own drink  

What is Orbi?


Through the Orbis app, you as a student can find events, information and career-related content based on the data you enter during registration or right inside the app.

A student who creates an account in Orbi automatically follows all sections and committees that are relevant depending on what is being studied.

After registration, you can add your own interest associations by exploring and wandering around the app to get the most relevant and interesting content in the app. 

The app is free for all students

Download the app today and gather your student life in one place:

  • The student union in Borås and all student associations in one place
  • Calendar for all campus events
  • All your relevant events, contacts and addresses
  • Find and get to know your perfect employer


Pass tag/loan card

When you study at the University of Borås, you need a pass tag and personal PIN code to enter most premises. This access tag also works as a library card at the library.

Read more on the University's website HERE

Color run

First day

First day

First day

Color run

Chill at The Kårner